Content Type: Article
5 Tips for User-Friendly Software
Whether developing a major database system or a simple mobile app, user interface and user experience (UI/UX) design is a key consideration for every Resource Data project.
The Inefficiency of Circling Back
Does this sound familiar? You’re in the middle of designing—or worse, developing or implementing—your system, and you discover a missed requirement or a new stakeholder. Now you have to circle back. It is likely you will have to revise your design or plan to add a feature in a later iteration. Either way, you’ve lost time and money.
12 Tips for Effective Virtual Meetings
With more people working remotely than ever before, meetings have also moved to a virtual environment. This creates a whole new world of meeting etiquette. The following tips will help you facilitate and participate in effective virtual meetings.
Structuring Large-Scale IT Projects for Success
When 1 in 6 IT projects goes so badly it threatens the very existence of the company, project sponsors and managers must align IT with business value. Here are four key elements for structuring your next large-scale IT project for success.
7 Benefits of a Team-Based Approach
For IT projects—especially larger, more complex jobs—a single-vendor, team-based approach is often more likely to result in success.