Category: Mobile App

3 Minute Read | Case Study

Effective Incident Response with Custom GIS Tools

Resource Data designed, procured, and deployed a complete IT network, including hardware, software, and storage capabilities, within five months.

5 Minute Read | Case Study

WeatherCams: Near Real-Time Data for Safer Flights

A new version of the FAA’s weather camera website improves preflight planning and inflight monitoring by giving pilots access to near real-time weather conditions.

5 Minute Read | Case Study

Streamlining Fisheries Data Collection with ORCA: An App Built for At-Sea Conditions

The West Coast Region Observer Program (WCROP) and Resource Data revolutionized marine data collection through the development of the Onboard Record Collection App (ORCA), a tablet-based application designed specifically to withstand temperamental at-sea conditions.

5 Minute Read | Case Study

Improving Safety in One of the Worlds Toughest Work Environments

One of the world’s largest Oil and Gas companies realized a 65% reduction in pipe handling drops and 70% reduction in higher severity drops after implementing a mobile application for enterprise reporting and data management.